Real NetStat - The Visual NetStat

We are happy to announce our new software - Real NetStat. It is a lightweight version of NetStat Agent and includes only two tools: netstat and statistics. The user interface is changed little, but still is friendly and easy-in-use. All powerful features of NetStat Agent to monitor Internet connections are implemented in the Real NetStat program. So if you need only the visual netstat tool, Real NetStat is a great choice for you!

NetStat Agent Portable 3.1.1

We are pleased to announce the portable version of NetStat Agent 3.1.1. It has the same features as described in “NetStat Agent 3.1.1” topic, but also we added missed parameters for netstat monitor (see Run batch scripts with NetStat Agent):

%COUNTRY% -  shows a country (only for TCP non-local connections)
%CCODE% - a country ISO code like RU, EU, etc.

Enjoy the new portable version!